Are These Issues Holding You Back?

Are you suffering like I used to do with...

  • Stress and headaches

  • Anxiety and lack of control

  • A mind that constantly races

Benefits of this course...

  • Reduces the effects of anxiety and stress

  • Helps lower blood pressure and heart rate

  • Aids mental clarity and focus

  • Improves sleep patterns

Your Coach

Wellness Coach Neil Sunley

"A few years ago (despite my background in wellness) I suffered a deep depressive episode where I nearly took my life. The only thing that got me through that dark time, was pushing myself to literally practice what I preached and study more and more about the various techniques now included in my courses. Today, gratefully, I have completely recovered and without any relapse, so my research continues, deeper than ever before into our superhuman capabilities we are all born with. Since that time, I now use all the latest evidence backed methods to help people recover from similar dark episodes and go on to make a positive recovery themselves" Neil Sunley is a registered clinical hypnotherapist (M.hyp, D.hyp), a registered member of The Federation of Holistic Therapists and The Hypnotherapy Directory, and has a therapy clinic in Beverley, Yorkshire, England. Qualified in 2001 he has treated many clients with debilitating issues such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, phobias etc. and through his workshops, talks, 1-2-1 therapy sessions and a range of online courses and hypnosis downloads, has helped clients turn around their lives successfully freeing them from negative none-serving habits. Neil operated a chain of successful fitness and martial arts academies for nearly ten years and believes strongly in the mind, body, spirit connection.

A Latest Review..

Fascinating intro to breath work and immediate results!

J. Londesborough

This is a great free course on the some different breathing techniques. Neil simplifies the process really well so it's easy to follow along and you can do the practices during the videos as he guides you through. Intrinsic breathing was completely new to me, fascinating and something I'll be adding into my mornings. I could feel results immediately, thanks for the course!

Just in case you skipped to the end...

Hit the button below, log in and enjoy these proven and effective techniques, that you can use almost anywhere, anytime! Quick and super easy to learn. Enjoy!....